Alltech's President at WKU - Glasgow
This morning a bit more than one hundred Glasgow - Barren County residents and officials attended a talk by Dr. Pearse Lyons, President...
And something to Twitter about...
The post just submitted should have included some more information. If you look at our website, you will see something new on the left...
Sunday morning update
The elections are over and, from a Sustainable Glasgow perspective, they went quite well. Now it is time for us to move on several...
A chance to walk our talk
Sustainable Glasgow is all about localism . . . the idea of local people providing for local needs. Now comes a chance for us to show we...
Eat local - Prevent kidney stones
For the last couple of weeks I have been nursing a kidney stone. Really, I don't actually intend to nurse it, I want it to go, but so far...
Local Starry Nights?
This link (broken) takes you to an article about the recent "50 mile dinner" at Verdi restaurant in Bowling Green. I really meant to go...
Minutes of October 22, 2008 meeting
The third regular meeting of Sustainable Glasgow convened at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Dr. Jerry Ralston, 200 Bayles Road, Glasgow, KY, on...
Burning the future
I sent everyone on the listserv some information about an outstanding documentary playing on Sundance Channel. While this film is about...
Next meeting
At the last meeting we decided to meet on fourth Thursdays, so for October that would result in a meeting on the 23rd. However, I will be...
Michael Pollan says a mouthful...
If you read nothing else this weekend, read this (click on the link). Anything I might add to what Mr. Pollan says here would certainly...