Michael Pollan discusses food policy on Bill Moyers Journal
Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto is on the Bill Moyers Journal TV show on...
Broadcast Stations vs. Glasgow's Economy
Cross Posted from The Red, Blue & Green Blog When the EPB meets this week they will be considering the latest offers from the...
Thoughts on Sustainable Glasgow
I am hoping for more readership of this blog now that Sustainable Glasgow has been introduced to the community through recent media...
Meeting Minutes, November 20, 2008
Sustainable Glasgow Minutes from November 20, 2008, Regular Meeting The regular meeting of Sustainable Glasgow, Inc. was held at...
Upcoming Meeting - Thursday morning
We will have our first regular meeting in our new location on Thursday morning, November 20, 7:00 a.m. on the square in the vacant store...
Attention locavores! We have a meeting location!
Due to the wisdom of William J. and Meg Travis, and the benevolence of Buddy and Zara Alexander, we now have a fantastic place for our...
Green market expo
If you were not there today, you missed a great opportunity to meet and greet fellow locavores and hear our own William J Travis, MD,...
At our LOCAL library
Tonight I attended the last of a series at the Mary Wood Weldon Library entitled Going Green at the Library. The session was “Know What...
Edible Schoolyards?
Just got the following from the "BG Green Group" that is way ahead of us in pursuing sustainability issues in Bowling Green. It is a...