Sort of a Sustainable Glasgow blitz this week.
We had a really good meeting on January 21. There were about thirty five folks in attendance. Rhonda Trautman gave a very good...
Chefs hope Obama will change food policy - for the better - local is the Key
Hello SG, Yahoo News posted this article from the Associated Press outlining a push from national top chef to push for better food...
Next Meeting
The next Sustainable Glasgow meeting will be this Wednesday, January 21 at 12pm. This is a "bring your own lunch" event at our usual...
Exciting opportunities for SG members!
The governing board of Sustainable Glasgow met on Thursday, January 15, 2009 to discuss a few of the projects that SG is planning to take...
Kentucky Sustainablility Institute
Hello, I just returned from a 3 day training in Lexington put on by the Kentucky League of Cities. As part of their materials, we were...
Earl Blumenauer, our kind of guy
It amazes me, now that Sustainable Glasgow is getting on its feet, to find that there have been so many folks thinking the way we are...
Great comments from the team at John's Custom Meats
We are exceedingly lucky to already have a local option for our beef and pork products in Sustainable Glasgow member, John's Custom...
Another great article thanks to John Rogers
Click on this link to see a great Op-Ed piece recently published in the New York Times by Kentucky's own Wendell Berry.